Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Six Months

Time has passed very quickly. Today I recognize that it is six months that I have been on this new road towards a job search. It has been six months of re energizing my spirit...finding myself, meeting new people, facing new challenges and finding the true meaning of life. I've learnt alot these past months. Today I cried....still, the lost hurts but I have turned the leaf and as I continue to move forward.

This time away from the workplace has given me a chance to set those priorities straight. The only difficult issue is that there is too much time to think...thinking of Kelly-Anne and how much I miss her. She's been around...my swimming has improved and I know she is right there along side me in the pool. Strange you may think...I don't think so.

Today I attend the funeral of my cousin Sonia. Sonia was fifteen years older that I so we weren't brought us together. Her life was very different than mine. Sadly, she died all alone in her apartment and for me that is painful as I firmly believe that no one should die alone.The service in true Orthodox fashion was beautiful...there is something very mystical about the Orthodox faith, a beauty that goes far beyond the usual. Sonia's life touched everyone she new in a different way. She loved her dog Brandy, the church and the radio shows. I only want for her now is to rest in peace.

Today as Sonia passed into eternity, I feel that my life will now take a new turn in the road. I was asked a couple of weeks ago " What do I want to do when I grow up?" I think it is time now to think about that.....it's time for me to grow up, return to my roots, continue to forge forward with my beliefs, find work, reconciled with others, love my husband and daughter even more and be happy.

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