Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Six Reasons Why

I received that dreaded phone call a few weeks ago from an agent at the  Parole Board. He told me that the parole hearing is set for September 29th for Kelly-Anne's killer and I could assist if I wanted to or attend through a video - conference. Thirteen years after Kelly-Anne was brutally murdered, her  killer is allowed by law a hearing to discuss his possible release for  full  parole. Can you imagine full parole at 13 years?  I still  cannot  wrap my head around that one.

Our laws in Canada need to be reviewed, discussed and changed. Even if a murderer has no interest in being paroled, the parole board is obliged by law to grant  the inmate a hearing at our tax payer's expense. Even if the reports from the case management team tell us that he isn't ready to face our streets, he still gets a hearing. Go figure.

I made a decision. After spending a week where I was so physically sick while writing a compelling,  and touching letter to the parole board, I have decided not to participate any further in this fiasco.

Here are my reasons:

1. I trust in God.
2. I trust in the work of the commissioners of the Parole Board who will make the right decision.
3. I will not allow the killer to think he controls me and my emotions by dragging me through his circus.
4. I have no more time to give this killer, nor does he deserve my time.
5. I  have better things to do like keep my daughter's memory alive and build awareness about changes needed within our  parole laws and of course, domestic violence.
6. I have a loving family and close friends that support my decisions.

A comment :

Doreen as always I read your postings and I grow closer to Kelly-Anne with each word you write. I admire your strength and tenacity and with this posting the six reasons you have decided to embrace shows me why you are my hero. Much love to you as always..

Many thanks Deborah.....I am touched. 