Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Spring 2022... Already

 As I look over the lake across from our digs I see the signs of spring. The trees are blooming and the sound of birds chirping away gives me an inner peace that new life surrounds us. As the years go by I realize that I am more of a summer  person than a winter one. I spent this past fall and winter doing physio and getting back in shape. Now I feel amazing and am excited to soon start aqua fit classes at the outdoor community pool.  

However the subject of domestic abuse still and will probably always linger in my mind. Quebec has adopted ankle monitoring bracelets that an abuser will wear once released from prison. He will be tracked to assure that he does not  go near his victim. It's another step  to help protect  women and children who have lived this nightmare of abuse.

We still need to be doing more. I feel we need to educate women of all ages about finding love on the internet. Recently, a Canadian women met up with a British man on line. She flies over to be with him and after a few visits he murders her. 

We have a system here in Quebec when we are able to  know if someone has a prior criminal record. We have the technology but we do not have the access to connect to different  parts of the world to verify the  background of someone. So how can we give women the tools to protect themselves when meeting men on line. It's a topic for discussion that I hope to pursue with women's groups.

This summer I look forward in participating  with the Concordia University Shuffle. It 's a 7 kilometer walk to raise money for the different groups associated with Concordia. I will walk on behalf of the Women's Rugby Team raising money for the Kelly-Anne Drummond Scholarship. I'll post more details  later.

Meanwhile get out there and enjoy the sun and warmer weather ! 

Kangaroo House

There was an interesting article in this past Thursday's Montreal Gazette about a safe house project being put in place here in Montreal. This home would be available to children of families in distress. I am mentioning this as a follow up to the continuing coverage of the Turcotte trial. Sadly for many, Guy Turcotte was found not guilty of taking the lives of his two children. I did mention in my last entry that there has to be some sort of system available to families and children who are going through stressful times. There is still not a location but people are working on the plan.Presently the organization is looking for non-profit status from the government. It will take six months before the project is in place with a team of care workers. If you or anyone you know is going through a separation or divorce where children are involved, sending the children to temporary accommodations from parents who are in crisis is not a bad idea. It is not the solution but if it means that the children are protected while the parents get their own needed help, this house can hopefully protect children from the same fate as the Turcotte children. The coordinates for The Kangaroo House are 514-524-4141 or visit Another resource for parents is the Ligne Parents hotline at 1-800-361-5085 We all have to work together to prevent such sad and tragic events happening.Please pass on this information to anyone who might need it. Also supporting the project is something we can all do by contacting the organization to see what they might need in the way of furniture or financial contributions. Every little bit can help. As for other parts of the North America and abroad, please contact you offices of social services in your area to see if such programs exist. I do know that my blog reaches many countries. Thank you to all for taking the time to read My Daughter, Kelly-Anne.