Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Spring 2022... Already

 As I look over the lake across from our digs I see the signs of spring. The trees are blooming and the sound of birds chirping away gives me an inner peace that new life surrounds us. As the years go by I realize that I am more of a summer  person than a winter one. I spent this past fall and winter doing physio and getting back in shape. Now I feel amazing and am excited to soon start aqua fit classes at the outdoor community pool.  

However the subject of domestic abuse still and will probably always linger in my mind. Quebec has adopted ankle monitoring bracelets that an abuser will wear once released from prison. He will be tracked to assure that he does not  go near his victim. It's another step  to help protect  women and children who have lived this nightmare of abuse.

We still need to be doing more. I feel we need to educate women of all ages about finding love on the internet. Recently, a Canadian women met up with a British man on line. She flies over to be with him and after a few visits he murders her. 

We have a system here in Quebec when we are able to  know if someone has a prior criminal record. We have the technology but we do not have the access to connect to different  parts of the world to verify the  background of someone. So how can we give women the tools to protect themselves when meeting men on line. It's a topic for discussion that I hope to pursue with women's groups.

This summer I look forward in participating  with the Concordia University Shuffle. It 's a 7 kilometer walk to raise money for the different groups associated with Concordia. I will walk on behalf of the Women's Rugby Team raising money for the Kelly-Anne Drummond Scholarship. I'll post more details  later.

Meanwhile get out there and enjoy the sun and warmer weather ! 

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