Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lost For Words

In the early morning of April 2nd our granddaughter made her entrance into our world. Lost for words is how  I can only describe what I felt at that moment. Obviously we knew for the last  nine months that  Kim was going to have a baby, but when the moment of her birth day finally arrived, this little person literally took my breath away. It has taken me since then to sit in front of  my blog to write about her beauty, her body language, her hair and how alert she is. I am in awe and finding the words  to describe how I feel is  really not easy, even now.

Each day I  see new pictures of her....she looks like she loves her little outfits. She shows  us her large  hands and long artistic looking fingers...what is all that about I ask....oh maybe she will play an instrument or  enjoy drawing. Only the future will tell. What I did not expect was the amount of dark hair and how much she looks like Kim when  Kim was born. Seeing my  daughter so blissfully in love  with her baby and her partner brings me so much joy.

Now how do I really feel being a new grandmother........proud, energized, walking  on a cloud. She has changed my life. I am only angry over one thing which has brought me to tears and that is why isn't Kelly-Anne not here to share this moment with us. So not  right...just imagine if she were with us on earth, Kell would have stopped what ever she was  doing,  hopped on a plane and surprised Kim.  Kell  would of embraced this occasion in  her own special way. I know Kelly-Anne knows that she is an auntie now and I know she is watching over the baby. But my heart is still in pain. 

I rejoice that my granddaughter is healthy, that she is loved and surrounded by wonderful people. Jules  and I look forward to our  trip out west this spring. We can't wait to take her needs to learn at a young age how to shop for a bargain !

I feel now I can relate to all the new grandmothers - to -be who come into my office on a daily basis. They are so excited to have a first hand peek of  their grandchild. New birth, new life, such a beautiful gift to be appreciated, to be love and respected.

I am embracing the time I have with my granddaughter. I am proud of Kim and know she and  her partner will be exceptional parents. Oh how motherhood and grandmother hood  can change you...I have truly won the lotto !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Doreen. I am looking forward to that day when I have my own grandchildren. I'm sure I'll be lost for words too.
