Monday, December 10, 2012

My New Chapter

What should I call it...Grand motherhood perhaps ? Someone pointed out to me that I am already a Grandmother. Hum....after thinking about that statement for one silent minute, I spoke up and said  yes, I am already a grandmother! A tiny living being  with a heart that beats lives in Kim's belly.

I should know better, as I look at babies every day  who are being carried by excited moms. Babies that suck their  fingers and play with their toes while nestled in the womb. They are living little people waiting for nature to tell them that it is their time to face the world.

I wait in anticipation  to hold that new baby in my arms. I fear my emotions as our family welcomes a new member. I fear how heartbroken I will be that Kelly-Anne will not be here on the physical earth to share the joy. I  know that I have to be brave.

I saw the joy and beauty in Kim's face last week. She is going to be the best mother ever. That baby will be so loved. The baby's father is the  man of my dreams of what I always wanted for my daughter. I could not be happier to have him as part of our family. I have been truly blessed.

Now, me...what kind of grandmother will I be. Some tell me it is a completely different  situation than having one of  your own. Others tell me that  I will not be able to keep myself away from the child. It is going to be tough as the baby will be living out west. Will I visit twice a year, will Kim visit....I can only take it one day at a time. There are too many thoughts and questions passing through my brain these days and I know I cannot let what I cannot control affect me.

I know that Kelly-Anne is  totally elated for Kim. I know that she is helping Kim and is the baby's angel. How will the baby get to know about Aunty Kelly-Anne? What will Kim tell the baby? I know we still have few years before that conversation happens. Kim will find the right words when it is the right time.

A  new chapter in out lives approaches. I can only be thankful for this blessing bestowed upon our family. No matter the distance between us, there will  always be love and support.

So my dear grandchild, rest well  for a few more months in your mommy's tummy. Give her a few kicks now and then to remind her that you are a tough little cookie. We will welcome you with open arms and many hugs and kisses. You are already so loved.   xxxx 

1 comment:

Ingrid said...

Something shifts inside when you physically see your grandchild for the first time. Your heart opens and love flows in and out with abandon! You never in your wildest dreams can imagine it because it is different from the way you love your children. For them you are responsible and a grandparent you simply fall in love and stay that way. It brings you to a new playing field...