Saturday, May 2, 2009

We are all One

Tonight I experienced the solidarity of a community. I attended the first year memorial service for Andrew Hunte-Longshaw. He was the young man of 22 years who was murdered this time last year in front of Concordia University. Looking at his mother, his grandparents, brothers and little daughter, they stood strong and united. The church was packed, the gospel choir shook the building.

Amongst the people were many families from the English community who lost a child or family member from murder. Between the hugs and tears, I felt that we are a community of soldiers. Our fallen soldiers have only our voice left to speak for them. Pastor Danny Eason said it all too well...we judge people by the car they drive or the clothes they wear...but really those materialist things are not what is important. God doesn't judge us by what we have, it's what we have in our hearts that is important. Also, God gives us as much as we can handle...and for the families who have lost a loved one...we are strong , we can move on, we can give meaning to the loss of our loved ones.

Tonight only reinforced what I have been trying to do......forge forward, find meaning in my life now and keep Kelly-Anne's name alive. The week ahead will bring more changes to my life... I sense a turning point is coming. Change will happen...good things are going to happen and I have to believe that the right job or the right situation will be with the Lord's guidance.

I will be put in the right place and will find meaning in whatever I will be doing. As I learnt from Kelly-Anne in her ability to persevere, I too will continue to do so.

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