Saturday, October 3, 2009

Excepts Part 3

As I sit here in front of my computer I realize that it is now 8:03 p.m. the time that Kelly-Anne was fatally stabbed five years ago today. Realizing the time gives me a chill, my poor baby you did not any way deserve this . Oh, how I wish that I had kidnapped you from this disgusting vulture.....I should of known better.

I continue to read Kell's diary. We have a picture of her standing in front of the Fontaine Trevi . She is throwing a coin over her shoulder into the fountain. As she does this, Kelly-Anne makes a wish.

"I ventured up to the Trevi Fontaine. There were alot of people in a small quadren. I threw a E .05 into the fountain, touched the H20 wished that I hopefully remain young....."

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